Thursday, April 9, 2015

Third Temple Update

So we’re being groomed to believe that a future Levitical priesthood is in play for when a third temple will be built in Israel. Think through this with me people. When the exiles returned, after 70 years in Babylon, the book of Ezra (Nehemiah too) describes the qualifications of those who would be participants as priests, Levites, assistants, singers and gatekeepers. Meticulous records were kept and certain groups sought to serve but were disqualified because they could not prove their lineage (Ezra 2:59-63). If that were the case after only 70 years of accurate record keeping, how are we to believe that after two thousand years of intermarriage, poor record keeping, diluted bloodlines and polluted historical documentation, that a legitimate staff of over 500 or more approved applicants can be assembled and consecrated to carry out the duties of the Aaronic priest hood? The fact is, it’s not possible and whoever buys this foolishness will waste their time in compiling an answer let alone giving a good reason for believing a God approved third temple will even be in the forecast.

 “…. And *MANY OF THE PEOPLE OF THE LAND BECAME JEWS; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them. Esther 8:17b *My caps

If it was already in motion that claiming to be a Jew was becoming common twenty five hundred years ago, how much more in our day are we inundated with those who are not Jews at all and yet lay claim to the land? “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev 2:9

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