Monday, March 30, 2015

My Sediments Exactly

One may accept a teaching early in life; then reassess what they had formally believed was absolute truth, after their understanding improves. Another doesn’t put all that much importance into believing beyond what he has come to be theologically comfortable with. After awhile, one can even know something well enough that he endeavors to make it his life’s mission to convince us all of the importance of it. He imagines that he has a superior insight and we’re all lacking critical information until he explains it. If we are not careful we might be tempted to sign on without even a modest background check. This conviction imposing process, especially over nonessential Bible passages, has given many a spurious educator the ability to condition a potential proselyte until they too acquiesce to all the moving parts of any given opinion. A new disciple may be slow to adjust or agree but after the consistency of many words, the new initiate can be systematically worn down until he is conformed to the image of his misguided mentor. In this case what a person believes will merely be picked up second hand. Over time and with the constant recycling of superstitious recreational eschatology, religious philosophy and historical revisionism a person could, in theory, easily adapt to most popular views. Unless the scripture is allowed to dominate a person thinking, pseudo entertainment styled theology and popular opinion will by its very nature, harden the unsuspecting seeker’s thinking into an impenetrable concrete buttress. Am I getting through here?

Friday, March 27, 2015

One God, One Savior... One Throne.

I have come to believe that there is one throne in heaven. The glorious personality that occupies that seat will have the scars of the crucifixion which will be obvious when we see Him. I have pondered this for many years and no one has been able to satisfy my curiosity, nor have they been able to answer my following observation. Those who read the scripture know that there is much allegory, symbolism, metaphor and similitude in many of the passages, both in the Prophets and the Gospels. The Parables of Jesus are a great example of using familiar scenarios to present a truth and the listener is expected to be careful “how” they hear. So with that in mind please allow me to present a view of the supposed three “persons” of the trinity. / In an attempt to bring clarity to my view of the trinity, please allow this vain allegory, relating to the Passport process. Suppose all three of these individuals, who are (as we are taught) separated from each other, were to walk into the Bureau of Consular Affairs to apply for a Passport. Just how would the process turn out, since a photo is required? God the Father has no physical image for the camera to capture. Now Jesus could of course produce an image but think about this one. The Holy Spirit would have at least 144,000 photos just to start with. One would imagine that although you and I may not agree on many nonessential points of contention, we still claim to be filled, motivated and directed by this same Spirit that has been called “a” person. Technically we are merely (if merely is the word) one of the many persons in whom the Holy Ghost resides; both in the world today, and as it has been since the day of Pentecost. To put this in perspective I can’t get it out of my thinking that in our collective worship, along with our words and works, we in essence, believe in the same person. That same ‘person’ who occupies the throne contains all of the attributes mentioned above. So an authentic picture of Jesus although it may be worth a thousand words, makes me understand that it also takes many more than a thousand words to confuse the whole issue. If you are a thinking “person” you might see the picture the way I do too.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Stressfully Sabbatarian Free Response to Sabbatarianism

Let’s address another distraction among brethren; When does the Sabbath Day begin? Today, it began (for me) at about 6 am. Yesterday it began around 5 am but on other days it can begin as early as 3 am. It ends, at the latest, on any given Sabbath Day, around 11 pm. On Monday last it ended at 7 pm. Are you processing this? Since Christ has become our Sabbath rest, there is no special day designated to resting from our labor since Jesus Christ “is” a 24/7 rest from our own efforts.

Jesus said, “Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Mat 11:28-30

 As you can see from this passage, the Sabbath is no longer “a” day, neither Saturday nor Sunday but every day, if we are putting our trust in the fact that Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament laws perfectly. If you insist on “a” day, then you will rely on “a” tithe and then there are ceremonial washings, kosher beef and lighting candles; well there is no end to the many types and shadows that were finished in Christ. When it comes to needless arguments over days and seasons, celebrations and pilgrimages, it becomes obvious that the attention spent on this issue alone is merely a rabbit trail that needlessly separates faithful students of scripture. Paul said it best; “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days; 17 which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” Col 2:16-17. Thankfully, for a few who can grasp the nature of the true Sabbath, they have learned to just give this whole theologically stressful issue a certifiable rest.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I Died & Went to the Bank

The “died and went to heaven” section, at your favorite religious bookstore, is cluttered with sensational and contradictory accounts of people who claim to have seen heaven or hell, and lived to tell about it. Paul the Apostle had a similar experience but he kept it to himself and we are not told of the details. I’m guessing no money was made from advanced publicity. In one account several years ago, a man died, went to heaven and came back to life. He then wrote a book containing many ambiguous details. A copy can be obtained for around fifteen dollars. The book has sold a million copies, the man has made the lion’s share of royalties, been invited to interviews and speaking engagements and there’s a movie script being developed as we speak. It can be legitimately stated that for this man, Heaven is indeed… as real as it gets. / Another man noticed that the visit to heaven industry could benefit from some opposition, so with a real book deal in mind, a custom fit consumer was readied for rebuttal. So this man writes a book denouncing the man who “died and went to heaven” and is now hoping to make inroads into publishing glory in his own right by promoting his marketable review. If this man can successfully present a titillating response, then a whole new audience can obtain a copy for around fifteen dollars. This man too, will be invited to radio shows, television interviews and will profit financially from entertaining a curious and biblically illiterate Christian community. Gullible people eat this stuff up and for those who benefit from this spiritual dribble; it appears that “heaven is indeed… a real cash cow.” .... “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows) such a one was caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows) 4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.” 2 Co 12:2-4

Count Your Blessings & Thank You