Monday, September 13, 2010

Paul's John Hancock

For many years I would hear Bible teachers & students of scripture use a recycled notion that no one knows who wrote the New Testament book of Hebrews. It was difficult for me to accept that an unknown author was responsible for writing with such depth and detail to an audience that was made up of mostly Jews who knew their history; and especially since we are called to know them that labor among us. Who ever wrote this document knew what he was talking about & may have thought that if it was discovered that a well educated Pharisee was involved in this creative script, a radical Judaic effort might be employed to destroy it. This is just an average curious Gentile’s way of speculating so let me use some investigative technique to unravel a small mystery. Let’s analyze Paul’s signature with some basic token forensics.

Paul closes his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians with an interesting statement. He signed his name himself so as not to allow the letter to be mistaken as a forgery. The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. In 2Th 3:17-18, the token of Paul’s authentic seal is in the word grace. We will see that every letter written by Paul ends with his unique signature; grace (of the Lord Jesus Christ) be with you. Amen. In Col 4:18 he ends with: The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen. Indicating again his mark was grace. 1 Cor 16:23, 2 Cor 13:14, Gal 6:18 and Eph 6:24 all end with the same or similar line. Now in Rom 16:24 the letter appears to end with grace and an Amen but then he continues with a post script or an additional noted afterthought. In essence he finishes with grace and an Amen again in verse 27. Phil 4:23 and 1 Thess 5:28 also end with the signature statement that we are examining. Now we come to those personal letters written to Titus, Timothy and Philemon and we continue to see the mark of the authentic author. In each of the last lines of each letter we find the expression in some way, shape, fashion or form; Grace be with you.

So now we’ll look at Hebrews and see what was being said in the last section of this official document. We have an Amen in chapter 13, verse 21 and then a personal note that we have to imagine was a display of insider information. And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words. Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you. Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you. Grace be with you all. Amen. Heb13:22-25. Notice the very last words in this lengthy composition. It is written by an author that signs his obvious signature directing his work to an audience who has by now come to recognize the autograph.

This of course is not an essential truth that will change a person’s position in the favor of God but it is perhaps secondary and may be open to further consideration. It is not my desire to cause contention in a matter such as this but I notice that the other letters written by other apostles were not signed in such an obvious manner. I would accept a reasonable response or correction if that is in order. If nothing else it reveals how Paul made himself known to those who believe. The use of stealth and a bit of encoded mystery has always been part of communication styles and after all, why should the secret societies have all the cunning and skill?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2Timothy 2:15

T. LaVigne

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Odds & Ends from a Disturbed Journal Part 0

I shall now turn a corner & go around what was once the least of my abilities & try this new lane for awhile. Thank you for your support.. T. LaVigne 9-8-10

July 30, 2010 Friday 1230pm
I struggle to put into words the pain of knowing how to lie. It seems we do it with such skill. We embellish only enough to fool anyone who has been trapped by our cunning. Toledo Blade, last Saturday, ran an advertisement for a 2 day seminar that costs $265 to go to. Bro. Stair is using his influence to get people to move to Walterboro, SC & me.. I write stuff on FB to make a point & get a laugh. I need to be taken out & left out. Everywhere I turn preachers (even the best) have an angle or are selling something. A pastor in Toledo sells coffee. It’s called Holy Roast Coffee & he will send it with his CD’s if only we can afford to give. I’m on my last nerve & will attempt to remove myself from the flow of any more of my spiritual, historical or political levity.

August 16, 2010 Monday 730am
Time is such an interesting item to consider. We are born & we live to a pre-determined time age & then we die. Our days & years are in the hands of the Almighty & we are brought to a place where we are allowed to make our peace with Him.. I’m in those last hours now. I can feel the call to go on a long journey. There’s no need to pack any luggage or buy a ticket. If I haven’t prepared by now, there’s not time for even a prayer. If one does not live, from the time he becomes aware, like he is serious about eternity, then a last minute plea to the warden will not save him. To postpone to the very end what you should have taken care of all along is a terrible place to be. I always look out the window to see if the cab is out at the curb. Goodbye!

September 4, 2010 Saturday 12pm
The excitement never comes to the proverbial complete stop. It coasts downhill & rolls through stop signs. It is often seen waving from some other location. Just about the time that I think that there may be substance to the experience, it evaporates as quickly as it arrives. It seems I’m constantly duped into believing that there’s something to it. Foolish expectation + excitement usually end in an elaborate disappointment. I have written little & most of that is nothing more than 420 characters on FB. I get comments from a few faithful followers who stroke my ego & say nice things but in the end, I’m as full of myself as the next guy. We really think we’re something. Here’s something.. The excitement is a poor student & a lousy teacher.

To be continued:

Count Your Blessings & Thank You