Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Origin of Christmas by David J. Meyer

Christmas is a holiday shared and celebrated by many religions. It is a day that has an effect on the entire world. To many people, it is a favorite time of the year involving gift giving, parties and feasting. Christmas is a holiday that unifies almost all of professing Christendom. The spirit of Christmas causes people to decorate their homes and churches, cut down trees and bring them into their homes, decking them with silver and gold. In the light of that tree, families make merry and give gifts one to another. When the sun goes down on December 24th, and darkness covers the land, families and churches prepare for participation in customs such as burning the yule log, singing around the decorated tree, kissing under the mistletoe and holly, and attending a late night service or midnight mass.

What is the meaning of Christmas? Where did the customs and traditions originate? You, as a Christian, would want to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth, discerning good from evil. The truth is that all of the customs of Christmas pre-date the birth of Jesus Christ, and a study of this would reveal that
Christmas in our day is a collection of traditions and practices taken from many cultures and nations. The date of December 25th comes from Rome and was a celebration of the Italic god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god. This was done long before the birth of Jesus. It was noted by the pre-Christian Romans and other pagans, that daylight began to increase after December 22nd, when they assumed that the sun god died.

These ancients believed that the sun god rose from the dead three days later as the new-born and venerable sun. Thus, they figured that to be the reason for increasing daylight. This was a cause for much wild excitement and celebration. Gift giving and merriment filled the temples of ancient Rome, as sacred priests of Saturn, called dendrophori, carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession.

In Germany, the evergreen tree was used in worship and celebration of the yule god, also in observance of the resurrected sun god. The evergreen tree was a symbol of the essence of life and was regarded as a phallic symbol in fertility worship. Witches and other pagans regarded the red holly as a symbol of the menstrual blood of the queen of heaven, also known as Diana. The holly wood was used by witches to make wands. The white berries of mistletoe were believed by pagans to represent droplets of the semen of the sun god. Both holly and mistletoe were hung in doorways of temples and homes to invoke powers of fertility in those who stood beneath and kissed, causing the spirits of the god and goddess to enter them. These customs transcended the borders of Rome and Germany to the far reaches of the known world.
The question now arises: How did all of these customs find their way into contemporary Christianity, ranging from Catholicism to Protestantism to fundamentalist churches? The word "Christmas" itself reveals who married paganism to Christianity. The word "Christmas" is a combination of the words "Christ" and "Mass. The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Catholic Church, and belongs exclusively to the church of Rome. The ritual of the Mass involves the death of Christ, and the distribution of the "Host", a word taken from the Latin word "hostiall" meaning victim! In short, Christmas is strictly a Roman Catholic word. A simple study of the tactics of the Romish Church reveals that in every case, the church absorbed the customs, traditions and general paganism of every tribe, culture and nation in their efforts to increase the number of people under their control. In short, the Romish church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them.

When Martin Luther started the reformation on October 31st, 1517, and other reformers followed his lead, all of them took with them the paganism that was so firmly imbedded in Rome. These reformers left Christmas intact. In England, as the authorized Bible became available to the common people by the decree of King James the II in 1611, people began to discover the pagan roots of Christmas, which are clearly revealed in Scripture. The Puritans in England, and later in Massachusetts Colony, outlawed this holiday as witchcraft. Near the end of the nineteenth century, when other Bible versions began to appear, there was a revival of the celebration of Christmas. We are now seeing ever-increasing celebrating of Christmas or Yule, its true name, as we draw closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! In both witchcraft circles and contemporary Christian churches, the same things are going on. As the Bible clearly states in Jeremiah 10:2-4, "Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen; and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven. For the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain. For one cutteth a tree out of the forest. The work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold. They fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not." So, what is wrong with Christmas?

1. To say that Jesus was born on December 25th is a lie! The true date is sometime in September according to the Scriptures.
2. Trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe and the like are strictly forbidden as pagan and heathen! To say that these are Christian or that they can be made Christian is a lie!
3. The Lord never spoke of commemorating his birth but rather commanded us to remember the sacrifice of His suffering and death, which purchased our salvation.
Think about it! Can we worship and honor God by involving ourselves with customs and traditions, which God Himself forbade as idolatry? Can we convince God to somehow "Christianize" these customs and the whole pretense and lie of Christmas, so we can enjoy ourselves? Can we obey through disobedience?

So what is right about Christmas? 1. Nothing!

For more information and documentation contact:
Last Trumpet Ministries International
PO Box 806
Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Thursday, November 25, 2010

This is Just What “X”-mas Means to Me

The exercise of “X”-mas which is cherished by so many evolved over time from a pagan practice as I discovered in the “X”-file. I found out that long ago when the heathens were in bloom, some disgusting behavior ruled the day. Some bizarre festivities came to be as a result of enduring those long cold months of the year. People became weary of being in the dark and soon after discovering fire the tribe began to assemble, mostly to stay warm. Eureka! It’s story time. Eventually the imagination began to gel into all kinds of superstitious rituals and one of them became known as the winter solstice celebration and December 25th became a big day in this sunny historical recipe. Primitive religion and basic violent ignorance was the mechanism of the first entertainment system. This chilly and annoying season of vacant space in the schedule became a tiresome routine, so man said, “Let there be lights,” and that was just the beginning. Eventually this pseudo enjoyable, time consuming and expensive activity was born and there were lights.

Then the church ( Roman Catholic mostly ) came up with the “X”-mass notion that if we place the baby Jesus in there somewhere, we could sanitize this void and in the mix make a few bucks; all to the glory of God of course. This salvaging operation in the festivities department soon began to inspire more ridiculous stories that gullible and illiterate Christians commenced to believe, accept and support. What began with pious superstition eventually procured additional financial momentum. This offered the possibility of holding the infant Jesus hostage for a few weeks during the coldest days of the year while negotiating terms for releasing the legends and inaccurate fables. It sounded delightful it glittered and had an aroma of its own. I have come to understand that it just smells.

There’s more. The “X”-mush is a side dish of mentally unhealthy side affects. It can be depressing to a poor man and a disappointment to a greedy or ungrateful person. It has so very little to do with Jesus anymore and more to do with the accumulation of those unnecessary items which at a reasonable time of year will end up in a garage sale. Modestly priced I might add. Don’t get me wrong, I have been both victim and perpetrator in these “X“-miss trends and habits. I too have looked at many a gift and thought, “just what were you thinking when you paid the cashier for this future white elephant?” It’s not going to bother me if you think that I’m a Scrooge. This guilt driven insult is spoken to intimidate the rational inspection of the issue. It is part and parcel to the expectations, family traditions, seasonally cloned attitudes, and the purchasing mystique. These “X”-mess absurdities just keep getting passed on to the children.

When my son was small, we showered him with gaudily wrapped prizes and read to him from the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. My wife cooked and we went to the Christmas service at our church and enjoyed the truth that God became a man and lived on the earth. I have heard that if you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself. The Lord obviously agrees. But I noticed that Jesus had no festivities committee present or even a welcome wagon. There was no invitation on a flashy Hallmark card and I believe very few knew or cared that He had arrived. God was born in a barn of sorts among the farm animals with the smell of manure in His first breath. There was no pine tree cut down in the prime of its life, laden with ornaments over in the corner. None of the fancy wrapped store bought packages, the bric-a-brac of our high tech, remote controlled, return them if you don’t like them environment cluttered the stable floor. The shepherds of today refuse to spread the good news like they did 2000 and some years ago. The wise men and theologians of today don’t believe the bible and wouldn’t understand a sign from heaven if they saw one and couldn’t pour eggnog out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel. Spiritually speaking that is.

Jesus came to us not requiring that we celebrate His birth, because He has no beginning and He has no end. He did although come to present Himself as a gift and still offers Himself to anyone who will accept it. He is now mostly ignored in the “X”-must rush. For those who choose to believe, He only requires that we remember to acknowledge His commandments and promises. But we still insist on giving Him an unfair trial, if we dare to try Him at all. Think of it as a gift exchange with an unusually cruel death for Him and in return a new life for us; as in, His beating for our healing. You get the picture. It’s not as pretty as a Hollywood film, but then truth just isn’t as exciting as intoxicating visual animation.

I appeal to you to consider the resurrection in the “X”-missed it again object lesson. It’s all some of us can do to get out of bed and face another day except on “X”-mas day as we have done since we were children. Great resurrection morning! We rise up early, make a lot of noise tear open perfectly wrapped items and begin operating them with not even the benefit of reading the instructions. We will become goofy and surprised, somewhat confused and also a bit envious too, until about noon when most of the toys will loose their interest in us and remain neglected or broken already. We’ll stuff ourselves silly with white sugar, starch and cooking grease. We will consume the worse types of snack ever invented, designed or brewed and of course do all this with at best a marginal suggestion of appreciation to the One who makes it all possible. Some will say that that’s just my opinion and a very “X”-treme one at that.

I have come to believe that a resurrection happens every December 25th in most of the free world and is soon forgotten in a vapor of gluttonous spending and anxiety. In an earth that knows no peace, a day of ancient custom whose origin is found in witchcraft has no special magic for me, knowing that many will go to their grave without ever opening the gift that God gave us. Go ahead and celebrate this pagan holiday while you can because there are not many “X”-messes left until He returns. Learn to be thankful for every moment you have above ground. Without the Lord and His love for mankind, there would be no use to celebrate anything. He alone has allowed and even tolerated all of the Christmases past. This present one and any future ones however are still in question, and that’s just what “X”-mas means to me.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Written by Timothy W. La Vigne
Original concepts 12/18/1999 Vancouver, WA

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Nephilim Myth

I was interested for a season in the story found in Genesis 6 about how supposedly the fallen angels came down & had sex with women. The women had giant babies that grew up to eventually annoy everyone & create speculation. I would mention right away that I’ve not researched the concept thoroughly but I have read the Forgotten Books of Eden. To be quite truthful I never found them to be anything more than a Pandora’s Box of extra Biblical hunting expeditions that in the end bag nothing but more questions. I found the Book of Enoch to be somewhat feasible; however, what one must ask is how does this relate to everyday living? I mean does knowing such mysteries really help me focus on being a better employee or treating others as I would like to be treated? Not really. Do we really need to look at a subject that many scholars are confused about but yet they effortlessly tinker with theories & manipulate many words while attempting to convince the rest of us that this is a relevant topic? We can't even agree on what is written in the Bible on a good day & in matters that are plain. How much more shall we disagree over things that the Lord has left hidden? Paul knew enough not to utter certain things. Jesus said he had things to say but his disciples were not ready. John was told in the Revelation, not to write some things but what was allowed caused enough of an interpretation faux pas. I will not cast out any brother who is curious about such things; I only dismiss most of the UFO/Angels business as being at best a fairly recent distraction & in the worst case scenario a potential heresy.

I would like to chime in on the topic only because there is now a certified ‘Nephilim Revival’ going on. Formally unknown subjects have taken the stage & of course Jesus Christ must sit this one out as His name is mentioned only briefly & often with little regard. Just for the sake of causing doubt please allow me express a few observations.

The angels in this pre-flood scenario (we must conclude) were all heterosexuals. Fallen angels & cohorts of Lucifer inspire us as humans to commit all kinds of devious sexual sins but somehow are exempt from those practices themselves. No charge of homosexuality, bestiality or pedophilia is hoisted on these fallen creatures. Sex wise they are as pure as the purpose driven snow. There are no female fallen angels mentioned. I mean there is no implication that created man had relations with created female angels & had mean ugly angelic giants as children. That might fly in Chicago but in all honesty, nowhere else. So if we imagine that only one class of angels had such power then one is left with the assumption that a miracle was possible & at the very least an immaculate conception of sorts took place; eternal beings with temporary human beings producing a questionable species. I know some will say that the DNA was different then & well, ‘whatever.’ Is anyone home here? Do these questions not come into play when one looks at this can of giant worms?

To top it all off there are those who actually think that Satan will have an offspring. Can anyone say Incubus? The imagination of fallen man is given to silly notions & I admit there is some demonic activity that certain people go through, dwell on & then write books about. These stories make the rounds in order to cause a sufficient amount of distraction & to maintain a ‘special’ insider curiosity. Occult oriented people thrive on these deceptions & even Christians are beginning to fall into the New Age trap. Anything that is not written in plain English usually instigates an investigative itch among those who can’t get enough of the unknown. If I am pressed further on this I suppose I could join this ‘bore’ hunt but let it be known that I can’t see wasting my time & energy killing another wild pig just for the satisfaction of having it’s head over my mantle. Nevertheless; let the hunt continue.

T. LaVigne

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Joe the Caterpillar

Joe the Caterpillar did not make the news or meet Mr. Obama. He’s just an average guy ambling along in his own world; a little bit lonely, not much to look at and mostly overweight as a result of the daily consequences of his garden variety gluttony. He consumes anything in his path and his path is anything that is in front of him. In his selfish mindset he ruins the lives and leaves of other living things in order to fulfill his own destiny. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is likely to be a byproduct of fallen humanity at its worst. As one of God’s most unassuming inventions; Joe is of a personality that is totally unconcerned about the property of others and is in constant approval of his own importance. Everything appears to be on schedule in his privileged franchise as he is oblivious of the turn of events that is about to overtake him. One day the fat cat moves into a small studio apartment and closes himself off from the world outside and as he begins to deal with his own iniquity, something begins to happen in there. At first it is difficult to understand why God would allow this to happen to him. He was so outgoing, such an industrious consumer and a world traveler. As the troubles are embraced along with the notion that this can only get worse, a season of violent turbulence occurs and a noisome disturbance ensues inside but no one called 911. His absence is a plus for the neighborhood as property values regain an edge for a while. Joe is like a junky going cold turkey as he endures the sweats, the chills, and the pain of withdrawing from the world he once knew and loved. Although some may conclude that a testimony is being formulated, Joe the Caterpillar will be forever changed. After an intense episode the engagement reaches its zenith as the transformation surrenders to a new day and Joe approaches the way out. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9. The door to that cramped apartment opens on a bright resurrection morning as Joe the Caterpillar steps out into a new existence. This one of a kind winged creature emerges with a new attitude and a new heart along with a new look. Eventually the inside begins to look like the outside. Some say that it doesn’t matter about the haircut or the style of clothes but in fact the whole analogy proves otherwise. Since a good tree cannot bear bad fruit it goes without saying that in due time a new appearance shows in a new creature and the world takes notice. For a very short time after this metamorphosis occurs, the now above average Joe almost effortlessly floats from flower to blossom tracking the grace of God on his shoes into the lives of others. (.. your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Eph 6:15 ) He now transfers life giving pollen, spreading influence and making restitution for all those plants that he once ruined with his insatiable appetites. The caterpillar formally known as Joe is to be admired by most and crushed by others. Some of Joe’s associates have found their way into the grill of an automobile or pinned to an exhibit in a collection somewhere but every moment counts and his day is almost done already. Then in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye; it’s over. Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. Job 14: 1-2 I suppose anyone of us who has come into an understanding about living life to the last measure can identify with Joe the Caterpillar. He was one of us, he is now one of us and all of us who endure until the end will rise above it all to meet the Lord in the air and will join a great cloud of witnesses, the winged wonders and the favored of God. LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am. Ps 39:4
Blossoms and Blessings, T. LaVigne

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hell is a Wonderful Place

Great and wonderful things are about to happen on this earth. According to many of the televangelists and prophecy teachers we of course won’t be here to see it. Although the days ahead may be somewhat frightening to the unprepared, the Lord would not have us to be unprepared for He has already warned us sufficiently as to what will soon come to pass. Many are encouraged to pray that the Lord would not display His judgment but return us to our formally indifferent American Christian lifestyle, holding back the inevitable for our children I suppose? But what could be greater or more wonderful than to know the Lord, be delivered from His wrath and live like we know what we believe and why we believe it? When we understand by the Spirit what the scripture explains, we shall see Him as He is and be conformed to that image in everyday practice. Those of us who are His now, the sealed the elect if you will; are so brought down, undone and worn out from our past sin that we find little interest in this world or its temporary benefits. Although we may not be where we should be, we are probably sensing that sin is finishing its course as we get closer to His return. My prayer is that we be no longer distracted by the deeds of the flesh and that we also abandon the memories and imaginations that keep us from our Sabbath rest. We sing; Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord, a worship song made famous in the Vineyard churches. Oh really? Why don’t we open our own eyes to the Word of life that is already revealed to those who with a curious and eager heart are seeing the Lord just fine? Those who are seeing Him by asking in prayer, seeking and knocking daily in the scripture and refuse to be satisfied with last Sunday’s bread. The Word is now being understood and when it is put into practice others see Jesus in us and are drawn to Him. It has been said that we are the only Bible that some people will ever read. What kind of a read will it be when people watch your belief system in action? Perhaps it’s a novel, a how to book or a historical pamphlet. For some it may read like a Face Book posting or a blog article with a strange title like; Hell is a Wonderful Place. Well, it is! People who go there will wonder how they could have been so blind as to accept just any flavor of the day religion. They will wonder why they gave their time, money and attention to false prophets, popes, pastors and televangelists who lead them into grave error. They will wonder about many other things also. Those who miss seeing the Lord for who He really is will have all of eternity to be full of wonder. They that stay the course in Christ Jesus and endure until the end will be saved in spite of the future hell on earth. His Name shall be called Wonderful according to a passage in Isaiah and whosoever calleth upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved and we all know who that is; don’t we?

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 1 Cor 2: 9-12

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 1 John 3:1-3

Until the end of all things that are to be finished in us, through Him in who we have believed..
Blessings, T. LaVigne

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Evangelical Subculture by Jim Baumgaertel

Two Different Conversions
When I became a follower of Jesus Christ I underwent two different conversions, although I didn't realize it at the time. First, I was converted from my old life into the Body of Christ by reconciliation with God through Jesus. Hallelujah! At about the same time I bought into the Evangelical Subculture under the false impression that it WAS the Body of Christ. It took me years to realize the difference between the two.
I had been aware of "Christendom": that worldly religious structure consisting of political and economic empires and bureaucracies, both Protestant and Catholic, that had fought religious wars and undertaken crusades to retake the "Holy Land", that had burned people at the stake, that continued to preach false Christ's and false gospels of works, and that continues to talk about the counterfeit unity called Ecumenicalism.
But I had not understood the nature of the Evangelical Subculture, that is a part of the worldly structure of "Christendom". This subculture has its own organizations and institutions, denominations, para-church organizations; its own magazines and radio stations and TV networks; its own schools and colleges and universities; its own celebrities; its own music industry and book stores; its own marketing and advertising worlds.

Like Joining a Club
The tragedy of the Evangelical Subculture is that people who have a sincere desire to follow Jesus get side tracked into a zeal for being a part of this worldly system. It is like joining a club. The club member begins to wear the clothes and trinkets bought at the "Christian" book stores; watch "Christian" TV and listen to "Christian" radio; buy the latest fad books that sweep the "Christian media"; subscribe to the "Christian" magazines; worship the "Christian" celebrities; use all the latest jargon promoted in the latest books by the celebrity authors. A cult-like mentality develops among people who see this Evangelical system as identical to the Body of Christ. Their zeal is for the trappings of the subculture. It is its own religion. If someone tries to point out the unbiblical nature of some aspect of this subculture people will take offense because you are criticizing their religion. The subculture becomes the message. The "gospel" that people preach is for conversion to the system, not really to Jesus Christ.

The Subculture, Institutionalism, and Deception
The pop culture of Evangelicalism feeds on institutionalism, denominationalism, "non-denominational" institutional church organizations, and the professional clergy system. The professional clergy and their church organizations, in turn, find an indoctrinated constituency to fill their pews and programs. Both the subculture and the institutional churches turn a relationship with Jesus and his people into a participation in a religion and a lifestyle. This Evangelical Subculture has played a major role in setting professing Christians up for deception. It seduces people to think and act like the subculture instead of reading the Bible for themselves and deriving their understanding from the Bible. It has been this subculture that has infected the Evangelicals with psychology, self-esteem, political action and social activism, unity at the expense of sound doctrine, mysticism, and cult attachments to gurus, movements, and organizations. Ultimately, the end of this deception is a merging of the Evangelical Subculture with the global counterfeit religious vision.
We ought to be content with the simplicity of following Jesus and being the Body of Christ together with those the Lord provides for fellowship, according to the teachings of the Apostles in the New Testament.

By Jim Baumgaertel

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

If A Frog Had Wings

I’ve heard it said that if a frog had wings he wouldn’t bang his sphincter when he hopped. I’ve come to understand that “if” is a pretty big word for having only two letters. I’ll call you if I remember and if everything goes well. The word if is used in many of our conversations and is a convenient link that leaves plenty of room for doubt. It’s in the same class of vocabulary as but or maybe; along with a fifty-fifty chance and whatever. I’m not an English Major but I play with words in my spare time and if I quit my day job to write full time I’d be broke in a timely manner; if time permitted. I will only examine the word from what I’ve come to see in the scripture. Search it out for yourself if you have the inclination and especially if I have upset your dogma.

It all started with an encounter that God had with Cain prior to the result of Cain’s bad attitude and impending crime. If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door… Gen 4:7. The first coin toss was instigated by none other than the God we serve. Could it have turned out differently? Yes it could have; based on the choice that Cain would make. Did God know the outcome? Certainly; was it predestined? No. Cain had a free will in this matter. God used if twice and Cain had two choices. As we know, it didn’t go well.

Pharaoh got the if treatment from Moses and when Moses was handed the law it had more if’s than I can keep up with. Exodus to Deuteronomy contains many of these little gems. One that stands out in the crowd is found in Leviticus 26 and two big IF’s sum up the whole of this investigation at Mount Sinai. The good side of if starts in verse 3 and goes to verse 14. Then IF gets ugly for a long time. There’s a tasty example of the bad side of if in verse 29. At verse 40, 26 verses later, an if shows up that saves the day. If we repent of our sins God will remember His promise.

We hear 1 Chronicles 7:14 quoted to no end when it comes to retrieving a blessing from the Lord. We milk it for all that it’s worth and the plaque and tee-shirt industry has made a killing on the phrase; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. What we can’t seem to get past is the very first word; IF! It’s not the world that this refers to, or their sins or their wickedness. It refers to the Christian’s who have an iffy nominal life in Christ. It comes down to a pro-choice view. God is very much pro-choice. He says; choose you this day who “you” will serve. Choice divided by two equals IF. IF hasn’t changed in 6000 years. So much for the; God is pro-life bumper sticker philosophy. The scriptures seem to prove otherwise.

Allow me briefly ( as there are too many examples to digest in one sitting ) to go to the Gospels. I’ve heard it said that Jesus said that the truth will set you free. I find in the scripture that Jesus didn’t say that at all. 2+2=4, the sky is blue, and we all have opinions. Somehow those truths don’t do that much for me. There is truth about 911 and the Apollo moon project that will never be known but if it was it wouldn’t set anyone free. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:31-32. The recipe calls for three key ingredients. 1. IF 2. You continue and 3. In His word; then and only then will you be a disciple with the end result being that you will know the truth. That truth and that freedom is a direct reflection of being alive in Him and remaining in Him until He comes again; if you live that long.

There is much more that could be said and I will hazard a guess that I’ll be misinterpreted if I take a stand for or against Calvinism. What I have learned about predestination I have retained little of and what there is to learn I do not care for but I do know that if you endure to the end you will be once saved always saved.

If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. Mark 4:23

T. LaVigne

Monday, September 13, 2010

Paul's John Hancock

For many years I would hear Bible teachers & students of scripture use a recycled notion that no one knows who wrote the New Testament book of Hebrews. It was difficult for me to accept that an unknown author was responsible for writing with such depth and detail to an audience that was made up of mostly Jews who knew their history; and especially since we are called to know them that labor among us. Who ever wrote this document knew what he was talking about & may have thought that if it was discovered that a well educated Pharisee was involved in this creative script, a radical Judaic effort might be employed to destroy it. This is just an average curious Gentile’s way of speculating so let me use some investigative technique to unravel a small mystery. Let’s analyze Paul’s signature with some basic token forensics.

Paul closes his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians with an interesting statement. He signed his name himself so as not to allow the letter to be mistaken as a forgery. The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. In 2Th 3:17-18, the token of Paul’s authentic seal is in the word grace. We will see that every letter written by Paul ends with his unique signature; grace (of the Lord Jesus Christ) be with you. Amen. In Col 4:18 he ends with: The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen. Indicating again his mark was grace. 1 Cor 16:23, 2 Cor 13:14, Gal 6:18 and Eph 6:24 all end with the same or similar line. Now in Rom 16:24 the letter appears to end with grace and an Amen but then he continues with a post script or an additional noted afterthought. In essence he finishes with grace and an Amen again in verse 27. Phil 4:23 and 1 Thess 5:28 also end with the signature statement that we are examining. Now we come to those personal letters written to Titus, Timothy and Philemon and we continue to see the mark of the authentic author. In each of the last lines of each letter we find the expression in some way, shape, fashion or form; Grace be with you.

So now we’ll look at Hebrews and see what was being said in the last section of this official document. We have an Amen in chapter 13, verse 21 and then a personal note that we have to imagine was a display of insider information. And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words. Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you. Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you. Grace be with you all. Amen. Heb13:22-25. Notice the very last words in this lengthy composition. It is written by an author that signs his obvious signature directing his work to an audience who has by now come to recognize the autograph.

This of course is not an essential truth that will change a person’s position in the favor of God but it is perhaps secondary and may be open to further consideration. It is not my desire to cause contention in a matter such as this but I notice that the other letters written by other apostles were not signed in such an obvious manner. I would accept a reasonable response or correction if that is in order. If nothing else it reveals how Paul made himself known to those who believe. The use of stealth and a bit of encoded mystery has always been part of communication styles and after all, why should the secret societies have all the cunning and skill?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2Timothy 2:15

T. LaVigne

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Odds & Ends from a Disturbed Journal Part 0

I shall now turn a corner & go around what was once the least of my abilities & try this new lane for awhile. Thank you for your support.. T. LaVigne 9-8-10

July 30, 2010 Friday 1230pm
I struggle to put into words the pain of knowing how to lie. It seems we do it with such skill. We embellish only enough to fool anyone who has been trapped by our cunning. Toledo Blade, last Saturday, ran an advertisement for a 2 day seminar that costs $265 to go to. Bro. Stair is using his influence to get people to move to Walterboro, SC & me.. I write stuff on FB to make a point & get a laugh. I need to be taken out & left out. Everywhere I turn preachers (even the best) have an angle or are selling something. A pastor in Toledo sells coffee. It’s called Holy Roast Coffee & he will send it with his CD’s if only we can afford to give. I’m on my last nerve & will attempt to remove myself from the flow of any more of my spiritual, historical or political levity.

August 16, 2010 Monday 730am
Time is such an interesting item to consider. We are born & we live to a pre-determined time age & then we die. Our days & years are in the hands of the Almighty & we are brought to a place where we are allowed to make our peace with Him.. I’m in those last hours now. I can feel the call to go on a long journey. There’s no need to pack any luggage or buy a ticket. If I haven’t prepared by now, there’s not time for even a prayer. If one does not live, from the time he becomes aware, like he is serious about eternity, then a last minute plea to the warden will not save him. To postpone to the very end what you should have taken care of all along is a terrible place to be. I always look out the window to see if the cab is out at the curb. Goodbye!

September 4, 2010 Saturday 12pm
The excitement never comes to the proverbial complete stop. It coasts downhill & rolls through stop signs. It is often seen waving from some other location. Just about the time that I think that there may be substance to the experience, it evaporates as quickly as it arrives. It seems I’m constantly duped into believing that there’s something to it. Foolish expectation + excitement usually end in an elaborate disappointment. I have written little & most of that is nothing more than 420 characters on FB. I get comments from a few faithful followers who stroke my ego & say nice things but in the end, I’m as full of myself as the next guy. We really think we’re something. Here’s something.. The excitement is a poor student & a lousy teacher.

To be continued:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

This Sinners Prayer

Most of us, who have come to terms with our past and current condition, have all had the option of making an appearance before the Almighty. After an inventory of our spiritual hygiene and the potential outcome of future considerations we arrive at the proverbial fork in the road. At this point we are literally forced to choose a path which will ultimately take us into eternity. An atheist may say that he doesn’t believe in God or the eternal scenario but in the end there is no such thing as an atheist. I can’t believe I ate that much; It’s unbelievable how high the taxes are and I believe I’ll have another beer. These are a few of the deniably undeniable belief-isms that are utilized when choosing not to accept the simple terms laid down by a loving God. Since these excuses are not in the best interest of decision makers, let’s see where the other road goes.

After a suitable time in the parking lot of the last truck stop one becomes aware that it is time to do something with the day ahead. Since we know that alcohol, drugs and whores are not just for breakfast anymore, some of us had to actually deposit our serious iniquities in the dumpster before moving on. Others who have no such history often assume that they don’t have far to go so may take advantage of sleeping till noon and then lollygagging in the gift shop. I have an overabundance of comparisons but such is life especially when it comes to being overloaded and asking for directions. Once we realize that we don’t know where we’re going it becomes easier to inquire as to a recommended route to somewhere other than here.

In my case, I came to the negotiating table without a clue or an excuse for my proir ignorant assumptions. At the time I didn’t think that I was conceited but thought that I had good reason to be. At first my certifiably foolish interviews with the Lord and the subsequent following meetings consisted of a little Bible knowledge and plenty of good presupposed notions about everything else. I wasn’t all that sure that I wanted anything to do with God in the first place and it never occurred to me that Him having anything to do with me was not necessarily in His best interest. I remember thinking that if I’m going to attend this party I want to make sure from the start that I’m on the right train and that it’s going in the right direction. I didn’t linger long in researching through the Big Book of World Religions to come to a conclusion but I did have the presence of mind to realize that there is in fact not many ways to get to heaven. Once that observation was solidified in my thinking then the next step was obvious. I must approach my maker on His terms before I die. In due time my resolve was broken down and I found myself in an old fashioned Pentecostal church.

I don’t remember the day or the hour. I don’t recall the name of the preacher who was speaking or what he was talking about. He could have been quoting from a JC Penny’s Catalog for all I know but I do know that I was onto the most awesome experience that I’ve ever encountered. My life was poured out like water and I wasn’t coached to repeat a manufactured off the rack prewritten statement. What I did say was something in the order of; Lord, forgive me, I am a sinner. Nothing was the same after that and I found Jesus to be the same everyday thereafter. He is not now nor has He ever been in the repetitious sinner’s prayer business. If you’re seeing a Y sign ahead and you are navigationally impaired, I suggest that you keep your questions simple and your response genuine as you accept your directional disabilities and change course. Keep your mind and heart inside the faith at all times until the journey has come to a full and complete stop.

T. LaVigne

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Tale of Two Waitings

In every town there is an eatery of one kind or another. Down the street from a fine restaurant there is a take out joint with the bare minimum in style or class. With fast food we get fast service, paper plates and plastic forks. The drinks are in a fairly clean cooler and all the smells seem to be of the appropriate odor. The proprietor sometimes is seen in a dirty apron, maintains an unshaved face and may scratch himself while expressing his usual welcome. He continues to provide you with the same service that you have come to expect. After all you don’t have the time or the desire to be seen in this particular dive. You pay the man and carry your boxed item to a safe distance to consume your junk cuisine without the benefit of actually tasting it. Before we choke on the subject let’s move up the food chain and go down the street.
At a fine establishment it’s a different meal entirely. You put on a clean shirt and your best behavior before you enter the door. The maitre d’ is dressed in a tuxedo and uses polite terms when asking about a reservation. This venue includes a tablecloth and shining silverware with an assortment of courses and choices. A waiter with a bow tie arrives with a presentation of the various options to put the experience into motion. Some small talk may ensue but it will be cut short with the preliminary drink and salad onsemble prepared by a crack kitchen crew. The music is appropriate, the entrée is awesome and the company is pleasant. How about a nice little slice of perspective for dessert?
If you were invited to participate in entertaining the Lord for the evening and it was up to you to lay out the sequence of events, the table and the ambiance; just what kind of an experience would it be for you and the Lord? In the first scenario I would very much just like to get it over with; you know, with the ritual and the basic expectation and all. I mean the food is hot, fast and comes in an attractive cardboard box and you assume the Lord prefers fast service. In by 10am and out by 11:15. Classic rock hymns, a no frills message, no bible and a really short prayer. Appearance is optional and you don’t have to deal with the clientele until next Sunday. The convenience of clever movie clip theology and a list of condiments projected on the wall works for everybody.
Now the fancy bistro is a different story. You greet the Lord at the beginning of the day and offer to accompany Him to His table which consists of your whole life spread out before Him. You have taken your personal appearance seriously and pay no attention to the time it takes to serve Him. As you minister to His need it may require that you see to the cleanness of your own surroundings. Working out your own salvation does employ sorting through your priorities before presenting the menu to the Lord. As a waiter, seeing to His refreshment should be a constant presence of mind. Common courtesy to others and a pleasant attitude in worship while in His service is the essence of the atmosphere. As for you as a waiter; your gratuities run over and He has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Try to digest this slowly; it’s more about being of service than being served and more about serving Him as opposed to just attending a service. Who knows? The bow tie might be a nice change.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually. Hosea 12:6
T. LaVigne

Monday, July 19, 2010

Observations Made While You Wait

Several years ago I read a book entitled the Art of Being. I don’t recall the author and I can’t say that I recommend it but I found it in the bargain bin. I quickly concluded that it in part it had to do with being in the right place at the right time. After reading the book I came up with an observation as follows. I’ve learned to call it an observation while among certain believers so at to not let imagination get the best of an obvious lesson. I wonder how long Jeremiah sat at the potter’s house watching the potter before the pieces came together. Chapter 18:2 says that there, observing, the Lord would cause Jeremiah to hear His words. I was quiet before the Lord the day I wrote these things in my journal.
When I began my journey with Christ I was given a sheet of paper at the start of the class and given the task of writing my life story. I wasted some time as I looked out the window in wonder. While others got busy with their assignment I looked into the school yard with playtime on my mind. I drooled and scribbled on my work folding it, smudging it and got it wet in a lunchroom staining incident. It became dog eared, crumpled erased and quite undone. Are you sensing my ADD testimony evolving? When it came time to turn it in a creative streak began to appear as I came up with some of my best excuses. When asked to read it to the class I was embarrassed and asked to be excused. Show and Tell didn’t go well that day and now I must reckon with God Almighty. As I stand before Him on that awesome day I will hide my homework behind my back and say that the devil, being the dog he is, ate it. I was assuming I’d do well on the finals as I recalled cheating on several tests before and relied on crib notes in the past. I failed on most all the domestic and social issues and even my understanding of geography is all over the grid. I know I’m not where I should be in the Lord, but I’m not where I was. On the oral portion of the exam I suppose I’ll have some brief statements like; I know in whom I have believed and forgive me Lord I’m a sinner. My personal non-favorite response would be; I wasn’t paying that close attention and I’m just plain guilty!
The art of being spontaneous in a moment like that will produce an honest exhibition and a blue ribbon is not necessarily in the outcome. The wood, hay and stubble of this may be all that remains for some of us in a similar scenario. To make it through those final exams and go to graduate into eternity is the goal of any disciple who studies to show himself approved unto God. To rightly divide the word a student must give his undivided attention to getting right with and staying current with God. Any comparison to any person living or dead is strictly likely so let’s not fool our selves. Because of the cross we are handed the diploma in the end and then only if we endure to the end. I was always watching the clock in school and now at last it is late and the bell is about to ring.

Be blessed. Class dismissed. Timothy LaVigne

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Gospel According to Mr. Potato Head

The Toy Story movies are innocent enough and a pleasant diversion from the responsibilities of adulthood. Having no TV has not cured me of a fun film and I’m still a visual person. The Bible says that without a vision the people perish and since our thoughts are not His thoughts, it’s only natural that we would twist the concept to our own liking. One of the joys of imagination is that it gets away from us to the point of ultimate obsession or fills a void with momentary inspiration. I’ve been blessed with both extremes and I will attempt to put a face on it for you. No pun intended.

It is to the pastime of children, who are learning to craft an expression, a demeanor they might be stuck with all their life, that I present the changing view of the person commonly known as Mr. Potato Head. Now that he is in the Church he prefers to be known as Brother Potato Head; not to be confused with Pastor Potato Head who has a formal background in the study of Potato Hermeneutic Development. That’s what his PHD stands for. In order to stay on track we’ll avoid going into detail about his starchy tuber home life, his sweet potato and the tater tots. This may be a delightful comparison but my theological spin on these particular Spudsters is limited.

Imagine if you will first thing on Sunday morning waking up to a blank expression. With no apparent reflection in the mirror and no clue as to how to put on a reasonable testimony of the truth, we’ll just have to sort through a collection of add on items that should cover the situation until after the benediction. Then we can replace the outward appearance with a more realistic expression of life beyond the church parking lot as we put on an appropriate phony face. The little ears that we had at 10 am are removed and an appropriate large set is put into place to capture the essence of gossip, opinion and a new CD just released by The Dipsy Chips. The drowsy eyes of the post offering sermon is now changed to a big colorful set of attentive peepers that you pop in to watch your favorite Sunday afternoon sports event. The nose that has no capacity to discern between religious flatulence and a fragrant fellowship with God, has been replaced with huge garage sized nostrils that are drawn away to the aroma of a false prophet’s promise. I could go on and on about the replaceable mouth that speaks one thing at the Bible study and another thing at the water cooler and the flexible hands that are raised in the worship service but lowered in the handling of worldly goods and everyday business, but I won’t.

One item that doesn’t come in the box with the Potato Head Disciple is the heart of the apparatus and not something to be toyed with. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. Jer 17:9-10. Keeping up appearances has always been a challenge and we have all been known to put on a front to cover an inner anxiety or hide a transgression from those around us. We fill the duplicitous orifice with a plastic plug; a convenient nonessential distraction until the day the Holy Spirit or a close friend points out the disguise. You can fool church people most of the time but you can’t fool God at all and as we come to terms with true repentance we will eventually assume a suitable expression that will remain the same in every situation. Until that look is achieved there will always be numerous playful accessories and some assembly required.

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Prov 6: 16-19

T. LaVigne
More articles at

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Passing Lane

The view in the driveway looks normal. On a sunny day the notion to take your faith out for a spin becomes a possibility as you imagine a leisurely outing. Perhaps of necessity you leave the comfort of your current understanding of the American Dream and go to work while others are not affected by that inconvenience. Then again you might just sit at home and watch it all go by wishing you had the ambition to go somewhere in this world. Once spontaneity has had its way one is compelled to head out into the unknown. A destination is imagined and the gears are engaged as the wheels turn in the appropriate direction. The side streets are drudgery at first with the children playing ball in the street, that speed limit thing and those annoying four way stops. Once we clear the city limits, we convince ourselves of better days as we can set the cruise control and crank up the radio. Oh the thrill of the passing white lines as the scenery becomes a blur and we accelerate into our destiny ahead. Life is good, things are great and even though we don’t know where we’re going we can see by the speedometer that we are making good time. If you are suspecting that I’m about to take you for another allegorical ride in the country, well you are right.

Once we have been in the faith for a while we are confident about several things pertaining to the Christian life. In the early days of our initiation into the gospel I would have hoped that we all began with the same agenda. I’m finding that that is not the case. Some of us know all about the terminology of the road trip. We know what a map is but like the Bible, actually using one has become almost obsolete with the invention of the GPS and Map Qwest. Today we can rent a used theology expecting that others have done the servicing and the maintenance. Hitchhiking has been outlawed in most states but it’s not uncommon to see a thumb up on an entrance ramp. A free ride is still available for some. For another a bicycle or city transit will suffice in the early days of our travels with God and we all have had to walk from time to time. But today we look into the life of that Christian who has for many years been with the Lord. In one portion of the scripture it is called the Way. Some claim to have been in the Way for many years. My response is that I would rather they get out of the way and let someone else get by. It is in the passing lane that the proverbial rubber meets the road and so often we encounter it without a second thought.

After all the TLC, the waxing, the conditioning and the planning we find ourselves on that eternal highway, moving along in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. We find a peaceful stretch and without a soul for miles we enjoy the Lord while the sins in the rearview mirror are getting smaller and smaller. Just when we are oblivious to a possible obstacle, what appears in the road ahead is a convoy of trucks that has taken charge of our carefree route. Things change quickly as the brakes are applied to a once patient attitude and it causes a burnt smell on the last nerve. All of the sudden the white lines aren’t a blur anymore and the scenery returns. It takes a few moments to appreciate what has just happened and we can stay behind this all day freight parade or we can begin to maneuver and accelerate into that passing lane. It looks clear for a mile or so at least and we have a choice of getting on with our travels or we can endure this lesson to its fullest. Your choice and opportunity could change the life of the hitchhiker who is about to come into view.

I was on that Arizona highway and I remember all the trucks and I remember you. You invested your time to take me out of your way; you gave me the gospel and a twenty dollar bill. Because you knew someone who knows where I need to be, and you slowed down long enough to acknowledge my existence, I am able to write about it. I can only wonder where I’d be if you had been in the passing lane.

T. LaVigne

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I AM & I am too

When I first began to talk to the Almighty I would ramble on and on and imagined that I was making great strides after reading how to books or going to prayer meetings. I listened to many explanations about the God who wanted my attention. There was an occasion in the scripture when the disciples asked the Lord to teach them to pray and I listened in as Jesus broke it down into understandable terms. First acknowledge Him, know who He is, accept His will in the earth that you are made of and believe His promises. Ask for only the minimal items to sustain your life and realize that you are only forgiven to the degree that you are willing to forgive others. Request the ability to avoid being deceived while trusting that He is able to keep you safe in this dangerous world. Not once in that instruction is there a list of mental affirmations or detailed petitions for changing our government or societal ills. There is no step by step seminar recipe on how to get God to respond our parochial expectations. In the heart of it there is no positive confession, repetition, or neatly framed verses taken out of context to support our assumed conclusions. Jesus is the I AM answer to every prayer in spite of any imagined concept of who we think He is and here are a few of them that you may be familiar with. Jesus said; I am the True Vine. I am the Way. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Light of the world, the Bread of Life and the Messiah. He also said I am with you always even to the end of the world.

There are a few I am’s that arrested my attention in the Psalms also. When I didn’t know how to pray, I would say what David said and that was my approach as I saw so many similarities to what I had been anxious about or when my sin was getting the best of me. Notice in Psalm 31, 38, 39 and 69 for example, that in those passages alone the words I, me and mine appear over 230 times. Not once in any of those passages do you find David asking for financial aid or a better job. He didn’t dwell on his neighbor’s welfare or spend any time blessing Saul, the Senate or the Supreme Court. He didn’t present himself as a patriot nor did he rebuke the devil and seldom quoted the words of Moses. He talked straight up. David didn’t claim to have the answer to anything and mostly complained about everything and was often negative in his words and phrases. He said; I am troubled, I am bowed down, I am feeble and I am ready to fail. With many similar words David said I am a stranger, forgotten, and weary and I am like a broken vessel.

In conclusion I am also come into deep water and I am full of heaviness because I have been over prescribed in the philosophy and mechanics of prayer. I’ve gone to churches where the pastor has his regular voice and a preaching voice. I suspect he believes the Lord will respond if he exaggerates and embellishes the moment with extreme emotion. Our praying voice should be the same as our everyday voice and silence is the better part of prayer as it’s the quiet moments that open the heart up. It’s not the length of time spent before the Lord and although I do admire the one who is fervent for more than an hour, in the end it is the position of the heart. To have a Bible open when praying is optional but the Lord is known to answer; “it is written.” Paul used the phrase I am on one or two occasions and I believe I am too. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain;.. 1 Cor 15:10a.. As you search the scriptures you may find that you identify from time to time with this kind of praying and can confess that; Jesus is the I AM and like David was, I am too.

T. LaVigne

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Shipwreck

There was a prime time program several years ago called Survivor and I didn’t give much attention to it but now understand the show was never rescued from the ratings. Many years have passed since experiencing a reality show disaster of my own and I’m now in a sense reliving the story of Robinson Crusoe after the shipwreck. I’m reminded often of Paul the apostle, who on several occasions booked passage on this titanic* topic. Among his many adventures were three such catastrophes specifically mentioned in 2 Corinthians 11. Paul writes; I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea.’ Notice how many references there are to the sea. One of the events is recorded in Acts were Paul told a seasoned crew not to set sail but they went anyway. Everyone was saved in the end but the ship did not fair so well. A comparison could be made relating to our own salvation after such a wood, hay & stubble debris field event. Allow me to elaborate on some similarities as we look at our own potentially hazardous voyage into eternity. Let’s begin with poor planning and setting sail in the wrong season. We pray about an issue for ten minutes, get in the boat and shortly find ourselves in strange waters that we should have avoided. When things get ugly we ask the Lord why He let us get into such deep water and we begin to doubt Him. We left port on the USS Assumption without a map, a compass or any navigational skills and as for getting off course, well, we were never on course to begin with. When we are young in the faith, the Lord covers for our stupidity to a certain degree but time and chance happens to us all. Eccl 9:11. Then there is the problem of being overloaded. Instead of basic provisions we are weighed down with too much debt and a full schedule, leaving no room for an extra oar, a vision or living water. Including the lack of forethought and neglecting to keep up with the weather conditions, there is always the sabotage factor. Our adversary is much like an unseen reef or an intentional destructive torpedo. Contrary to popular Christian thinking, we are not all in the same boat. Some have charted a faithful course and spent a lifetime in a life vest weighing the dangers and consequences of the trip and often have the sense to stay on dry land. In most cases it’s not advisable to build a life any where near the shore. The view may be awesome but so are the hurricanes. Matt 7:76.
I would now turn your attention to the survivors. In the event that you find your life ruined in a similar scenario, try not to wash ashore with Hymenaeus and Alexander. Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: 1 Tim 1:19-20. Here are some suggestions for staying alive when everything looks hopeless. First realize that you will have opportunity now to develop a prayer life and spend some alone time with the Lord. Reclaim your recollection of scripture and any salvageable items like an old hymn or that first love experience with God and build a suitable shelter. Any cargo that washed ashore could be used for building a new life and a useful future, although some limitations will have to be realized. Remember, the novel that Daniel Defoe wrote was based on a real person who lived successfully on an island until he was rescued. The best part of that story is that Mr. Crusoe had a bible and that is the saving grace in this analogy. The Bible is the life jacket, the salvage operation and the subsistence. In closing I suggest that you don’t drill a hole in the bottom of your boat to drain the excess water like I did. You can sink your own ship in a self inflicted disaster and still arrive on the shores of eternal glory but you may not be put in command of another crew or even a brand new dinghy in this lifetime. Learn how to accept your remaining days along with your new restrictions with grace and be faithful with what has been salvaged. The days ahead should not be imagined as a tropical paradise that accommodates the modern Christian tour package and resort mentality. The forecast calls for gale force winds and high waves but we have a Perfect Savior for a perfect storm. Stay the course but remain anchored in Christ Jesus.

T. LaVigne
* pun included for obvious reasons

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Planting Season

Spring is in the air and everyone looks forward to a fresh start and maybe a new row of tomatoes. A garden variety of social events and self improvement seminars are in store along with the usual suspects of concerts and conventions of all kinds. Christians often talk about revival and associate it with a week of heavy preaching, a visiting evangelist and a big name gospel band. In some cases its nothing more than a fancy fund raising gimmick that if its pulled off well will be forgotten the following Monday. I’m sure that isn’t the intention of every planning committee but if forgetting our past sin was as easy as this I wouldn’t be posting this. I believe satan loves revival too. He would love to renew and enlarge your memory of an old habit, inclination or other such thing pertaining to our weak nature. What remains of some old sin, long forgiven by God could be the potential yeast for a brand new transgression. Our own righteousness and good works may also be placed into that novel category. To reuse some old dead thing would suit satan just fine if for nothing else than to discourage you and keep you impotent in the things of God. Death is the devils business and production is at an all time high especially in these days of spiritual and economic bankruptcy. Since death is all he has to work with it is no wonder that he would like to rejuvenate an old temptation in order to possibly fashion a gentler and kinder death for the believer. He knows he can’t have your soul but he does want to diminish any gifts or potential productivity in Christ. To keep you busy with doubt and worry is the key hook in this selling point. He’ll assure us that all these items are still in stock and available for overnight delivery; if you are in the market that is. He’ll have you out hoeing in a freshly planted row of vain imagination in no time. Since historical iniquities lay dormant in our mind long after we are saved it would be a resurrection born in hell to get you to dwell on it anew. Don’t buy it! It’s nothing more than an old 60’s eight track player because sound thinking wise and in terms of usefulness it is obsolete already. Let us pray that those rotting carcasses would stay in their grave and that you would leave your shovel in the garage. Since digging up the past has run its course you might want to leave the sins of others alone too in case you thought you still had a bone to pick with someone. It may be planting season everywhere else but let us bury the past and be assured of a bountiful crop failure.

And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. Mark 4: 26-28

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Col 1: 10- 11

Lock the cemetery gate and give that key to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and go out there and enjoy a new season of growing up in Him.
T. LaVigne

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Old Heart

This Old Heart has taken a beating. It has been broken, then repaired, then broken again and again. This engine of flesh has urged along the flow of a history of poor choices, many blessings and an accumulation of good intentions. The current condition remains in the hands of Him who tends to all the machinery of similar function. The life is in the blood and the blood does its best work when the freeway like arteries, state routes & avenues are clear of the traffic of sin. The driveway that is just under the skin is where it all begins on any given day and each one should give attention to where he is in Christ before going on that next adventure. We ask Jesus to take the wheel and do the driving in our life and then pray like a backseat driver. You’re going too fast, turn left at the light, speed up or stop and let me out. I’ve been a taxi driver for over 20 years and I don’t appreciate that attitude so I’ve learned to adjust my trust. Then there’s that guy in front of me. He’s not fitting into my agenda and is always doing something I don’t approve of. These days, as the Lord has dealt kindly with me on this issue, I find myself in a forgiving tone but not often enough. Now instead of using words that might imply that his parents weren’t married when they had him, I breathe a simple prayer. Lord, bless that jerk in front of me and the one behind him. It seems to help the blood of the moment flow better. The scripture says that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (1) Another GPS/direction related item can be found in a proverb. Something God hates is a heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, (2) a daily itinerary and a set of car keys if you will. David prayed; Search me O Lord and know my heart try me and know my anxious thoughts. (3) In the end it was his desire to be lead in the path everlasting. We are left to wonder how much illness is related to the ensuing traffic jam in an unforgiving heart. I’ve been in LA traffic. I spent a week there one night and can only say that if the blood was to stop flowing at any point in the road, well the outcome is obvious. I often mutter; what’s the holdup? I should ask, what is the heart of the matter?
Somewhere in this comparison between the heart and what makes the road function I have been all over the grid I know. I drive a shuttle bus at Detroit Metro and as I said I’ve been on the street for many years. I have much road related imagery that I could use here. Much could be said about choosing a direction at this time and if you pay attention to what’s in the windshield you are less bothered by what’s in the rearview mirror. The eyes, they say, are the windows of the heart and I should mention that streaks and bug splatter doesn’t help our spiritual visibility. One should tend to this simple chore before going anywhere. First cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. (4)
So you may be concerned where I’m going with all of this or you may get a witness in your heart to the things I’ve mentioned. If any of it helps with your business travel, I was glad to be of service. An old Amish saying is that even an old rotting sign post along an unfamiliar road can be a blessing to someone who doesn’t know where they are. I know this old heart has been on the wrong road on many an occasion but the Lord is faithful in the end to get me where I need to be in Him. I’ll be looking to see you there.

Happy trails in Christ, Timothy LaVigne

1. Jeremiah 17:9 / 2. Proverbs 6:18 / 3. Psalm 139:23-24 / 4. Matthew 7:5f

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Is This What The Lord Would Say?

Does the Lord talk like this today or is this just vain speculation of another wanna-be prophet with a vivid imagination? Let the Lord sort it out in due time .. then afterward .. let Him be the judge.

“My people are so “rooted and grounded” in the things of this world that were there a secret rapture, they would not rise above the ceiling due to being so entangled in various clinging vines, worldly distractions and a multitude of opinions. Erroneous application of scripture along with faulty stewardship has turned assumption into a temporary financial boost but mostly by employing unscrupulous self serving means and pseudo spiritual methods.
If righteousness exalts a nation, why is your nation being brought down? Shepherds speak lies to the ignorant, seeking only ungodly gain and vain glory. They travel in packs to devour the sheep. Instead of rightly dividing the law and the prophets, they multiply the sins of my people by pouring out much speech containing empty words of their own choosing. Why do my people, in these days of high technology have such a low interest in bible related topics and even less tolerance for even a basic academic understanding of history in general, history that is about to be repeated with great tribulation?
They will not study my words for themselves and apply them to their life but lust after clueless theology. If they had built their theological house on sand, it would have been a mild improvement but because they have built on a fault line of false teaching. they will not survive the shaking that is about to happen.

Received in Adrian, MI 2-15-2009

The thoughts expressed here are not the views held by the owners or managers of the Denominational Churches in America or any of the franchises, subsidiaries or branch offices and in no way reflect the current trends and theology being presented almost every Sunday.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Origin of a Lively Stone

I was in Vancouver, WA back in 2006 and went to a small Pentecostal church. As events unfolded and the pastor was speaking on one occasion I was somewhere else. It was my custom to carry a note book along with my bible into every meeting and kept a pencil handy to record any impending epiphany. Questions ensued and the Lord caused me to keep track of prophecies, visions and spontaneous interpretations. I will say that in the early days of understanding the gospel I would indulge in the moment and would prophecy with standard notions, empty speech and verses that came to mind. It would often become a cliché festival among the “prophets” in the service and confusion often resulted. It took a while but I soon learned that the spirit of the prophetically inclined is subject to the person who thinks he’s called to speak on behalf of the Lord. I also learned that the Lord has spoken through the written word and needs no improvement by a clever Charismatic. On one of these occasions later in my exhortation, edification and comfort years I was privileged to be used of God. I wrote the “word” I received that day and asked to speak just prior to the benediction. Such a spontaneous request was not on the menu. Allow me to pass this along to you now as the Lord is the same yesterday, today and even now. As for me I could be gone in a heartbeat.
“As in the moving of a mighty rushing flow, it will not be the large rocks that will be dislodged ( slightly, maybe ) but the small and the light. The smooth stones and pebbles will be moved from their old place to a new place which in and of itself may be permanent or temporary. So remain still and small and light before the Lord. No matter what kind of shape you are in, you will be moved. And to him that overcomes,the Lord will write a new name on a white stone as in Revelation 2:17" 2-23-2006 I didn’t use the standard, “thus sayeth the Lord” routine for effect so please judge this by Paul’s prescription. In time as I pondered the words I had jogged down I asked the Lord for additional insight. I’m not a geologist and can prove very little of what I came to assume but I will list what I came to understand. 1. Flooding causes major change in the environment. Erosion breaks loose new stones that join the flow. Interpretation: The Lord will introduce the otherwise uninitiated into the stream in due time by a flash event or an upheaval in the comfort zone. 2. Stones with rough or sharp edges will begin a smoothing process. Being transformed is inevitable. Interpretation: Obvious. 3. Even a mountain that is removed and cast into the sea can be displaced little by little. The washing of the water by the Word causes time to do wonders with stubborn issues. 4. The white stone in Revelation 2:17 may have been made pure and smooth via hard knocks against other stones. Without stretching an interpretation beyond reason let me add that a stone like that would be more than a token of honor. 5. When a little stone gets stuck it will still be worn smooth due to the rushing power of the flow and will be moved again. Saul was small in his own eyes at first but became an obstacle in the stream later. Eventually, as we lay aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset us we will be moved by His Spirit, at His leisure and in His time.
I will leave you to search the scripture from here. We have all had enough of placebo prophecies.. I went to see Kim Clement and was cured in a moment as I left the ”worship service.” It was a miracle. I was not infected again by the mega church virus and I was healed on the spot from chasing after signs and wonders.

Postscript: It was Bill Cooper who said; read everything, believe nothing
except what you can prove by honest research and thorough investigation.

Blessings, T.LaVigne

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Will Work For Food Franchises Available


With little or no investment you too can operate a successful branch office in thee panhandle industry. With every new order you will receive easy directions on how to turn those useless food stamps into valuable booze & tobacco coupons. You’ll learn techniques in loitering, scamming & how to avoid the job interview ordeal. We include tips on milking the welfare system along with new gimmicks for creating a convincing cardboard sign.

Explained in detail are the most commercially applied & accepted excuses for not having a job. Here are just a few. “My back hurts.” “Work interferes with my ability to enjoy my detox medication.” “I can only lift about 12 to 40 ounces at a time.” Call now & we’ll send complete instructions on how to use an inactivated cell phone to actually talk to yourself without raising suspicion. Ask about deodorant therapy for maintaining minimal hygiene and tips on never doing laundry again..


Write this number down in case you’re too drunk to remember..

* Offer not available to those who are chronically employed or given to a sound work ethic!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Art of Being Attentive

Several years ago I read a book entitled the Art of Being. I don’t recall the author and I can’t say that I recommend it but I found it in the bargain bin. I quickly concluded that it in part it had to do with being in the right place at the right time. After reading the book I came up with an observation as follows. I’ve learned to call it an observation while among certain believers so at to not let imagination get the best of an obvious lesson. I wonder how long Jeremiah sat at the potter’s house watching the potter before the pieces came together. Chapter 18:2 says that there, observing, the Lord would cause Jeremiah to hear His words. I was quiet before the Lord the day I wrote these things in my journal.
When I began my journey with Christ I was given a sheet of paper at the start of the class and given the task of writing my life story. I wasted some time as I looked out the window in wonder. While others got busy with their assignment I looked into the school yard with playtime on my mind. I drooled and scribbled on my work folding it, smudging it and got it wet in a lunchroom staining incident. It became dog eared, crumpled erased and quite undone. Are you sensing my ADD testimony evolving? When it came time to turn it in a creative streak began to appear as I came up with some of my best excuses. When asked to read it to the class I was embarrassed and asked to be excused. Show and Tell didn’t go well that day and now I must reckon with God Almighty. As I stand before Him on that awesome day I will hide my homework behind my back and say that the devil, being the dog he is, ate it. I was assuming I’d do well on the finals as I recalled cheating on several tests before and relied on crib notes in the past. I failed on most all the domestic and social issues and even my understanding of geography is all over the grid. I know I’m not where I should be in the Lord, but I’m not where I was. On the oral portion of the exam I suppose I’ll have some brief statements like; I know in whom I have believed and forgive me Lord I’m a sinner. My personal non-favorite response would be; I wasn’t paying that close attention and I’m just plain guilty!
The art of being spontaneous in a moment like that will produce an honest exhibition and a blue ribbon is not necessarily in the outcome. The wood, hay and stubble of this may be all that remains for some of us in a similar scenario. To make it through those final exams and go to graduate into eternity is the goal of any disciple who studies to show himself approved unto God. To rightly divide the word a student must give his undivided attention to getting right with and staying current with God. Any comparison to any person living or dead is strictly likely so let’s not fool our selves. Because of the cross we are handed the diploma in the end and then only if we endure to the end. I was always watching the clock in school and now at last it is late and the bell is about to ring.

Be blessed. Class dismissed. Timothy LaVigne 3-16-2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blessed Obscurity

A little flower grows on a mountain side
On the lone frontier and way up high
No one knows how it survives
How it grows then withers and dies

You don't see that flower on that far hill
It will never sit on your window sill
That flower will stay up there until
It turn's to seed. That is God's will*

*In a distant place, unseen, unknown
Among the rocks I found a home

With no reputation, no name or size
Not to be admired by human eyes
It was born alone and alone it dies
As God broods over His obscure prize*

The wind it came and the wind it went
Back to the place from where it was sent
My stem didn't break though severely bent
And I remain alive in the storm content

Some grow together in fields like wheat
Dressed up like people on a crowded street
As we were sown, we will all be reaped
In the great bouquet at the judgement seat*

Monday, March 29, 2010

..And the Books Were Opened

I heard the message several times about casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. I did an inventory of a few of the “things” that need attention in my life. There have been many distractions that fit into that very category and if you would indulge me I will attempt to elaborate with an imagination of my own that needs sorting out. In Revelation 20:12 there is a line I will pull from the verse to make my observation. And the books were opened. This is of course is a very serious verse and I hope not to take away from the full context but only to support some concerns about which books of record may be in question. Please allow me to run by you the list that applies to me when I stand before the Lord in my final court appearance.
1. The Bible.. How often did I read it, rightly divide it, practice and live like I believed the truth contained in that book? How often did I misinterpret or neglect to apply even the basic principles in my everyday life?
2. My prayer book.. How much time did I spend in effectual and fervent petition before the Lord? What types of request did I make and for what reason? How long did I wait quietly listening for an answer?
3. My journal.. What did I have to say that was so important and why did I think that such things were noteworthy? Would I mind having the whole world know my deepest anger, frustrations, curiosities and the substance of my vain imaginative faculty?
4. My appointment book.. Who were the people I met and where were did I go? When that schedule is opened before God, will I be embarrassed by the manipulation of events?
5. My check book.. What would this line of inquiry produce? I may be pleased with my 10% but would I be counted responsible when the other 90% was examined. The problem is not giving money. In the end faithful attention to stewardship will survive the fire.
6. My date book.. Like the appointments above this book differs in that it applies to the spare time industry. What kind of people did I enjoy being around? Perhaps, like in my case certain musicians and writers apply. Others lean to the sports oriented crowd or maybe you’re a bingo monger. I won’t play the bingo card here but what about your social life outside of the gospel? I don’t imagine there is anything on the outside of the gospel.
7. The TV Guide.. Just what are in those entertainment files? How dedicated were you?
8. The Song Book.. . .to him that hath, more shall be given.. That involves ears. If you are getting mixed signals you’ll develop a variety of opinions that will impair your ability to believe the truth when uncertain sounds are present. What was your favorite tune? One of my favorites is, was and will be Psalm 91.
9. My phone book.. Who did I talk to? What did I talk about? How long did I indulge my-self in meaningless conversations, holding up the progress of the poor sap on the other end with my foolish notions, weather reports and ball scores? While neglecting, I might add, Jesus on the mainline now.
10. Last of all let me mention the devotional. That would be My Daily Bread or a similar five minute spiritual fix for the day. It’s like the patch for those who are attempting to solidify that already waning lukewarm walk with God. You know, for those who are close to being totally free of the addiction to Christ. There’s nothing wrong with a few minutes with Jesus, it’s just that they may potentially become fewer & fewer. One can’t afford to spend less time with the Lord these days
Allow me to close with the final words of the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon nailed it in these closings lines. Chapter 12 and verse 12 begins the conclusion of the whole matter by saying that the making of many books there is no end; and much study is weariness to the flesh. In the end the Lord will bring every work into judgment, along with every secret thing; whether it be good, or evil. Since we must all give account of the things that we now give our attention to, may we be found examining ourselves from the books that are at our disposal in this lifetime. Many of us will not be at this last judgment which I draw attention to here but we will be examined just the same at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Rev 20:12

Have you read a good book lately?
Blessings, T. LaVigne

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Homeless Chronicles the Sequel

My Life with Al K. Hall*

Al K. Hall and I were the best of friends for several years. Our conversations consisted of Al doing the talking and me not paying attention to detail or accuracy. Al would often boast of great feats of strength and had the best of intentions but without me he was nothing. We would often wander uninspired down Any St. of Any Town America where loitering was considered a serious business and our unkempt lifestyle preserved our poverty.
Al and I were a team and we were going places, although when you are going nowhere in particular, any road will get you there. Al K. Hall and I went down that road together. We dwelled in the alleys and abandoned buildings strewn with broken dreams, rotting vitality and lost ambition. Our world was void of imagination and purpose, so I only wonder now what I could have done without Al K. Hall.
Al managed to escape going to jail. I of course stayed there occasionally because of some trouble he started. He was always faithful to wait for me outside until I did our time.
Al was always busy in an unproductive sort of way. He managed to tear a family apart and killed a couple teenagers on the highway. I wasn't with Al that time but I could have been. I’m sure I was vertically inconsistent and less than ambulatory. Al K. Hall helped me lose my job that very day. I heard Al was the featured attraction at a funeral, a brutal domestic violence incident and a prison sentence, all at the same time on the same day and at several places at once. He really gets around and the police know him by name. He seems to be a great influence in the community. Some of us just can't get enough of Al K. Hall. He's so entertaining, infamous and full of it. You know, taste and variety.
Al was such an inspiration to me. He encouraged me to gamble, steal and start arguments. I owe all my debts and failures to Al K. Hall. I spent the money I didn't have on people I didn't really know to pay for an experience that I don't clearly recall having. Everyone assured me that I had a good time.
I lost a fortune investing myself in his company. Al helped himself to most of my potential, and soaked up my creativity while all the warning signs or common sense went neglected. He often caused me to break down and weep like a child but as soon as we were back on speaking terms he assured me that nothing was going right, that life was meaningless and frequently made a suggestion that I find a gun and terminate my existence. He always mentioned he would be willing to stay until I obtained the nerve to complete the chore. He didn't say anything about who was going to clean up afterward. He only promised to remain close, right up to the end. I mentioned that Al did most of the talking in those days. It should be clearly obvious that Al K. Hall did most of the thinking too.
Al and I went to Hard Knox University in the mid to late 90's. We did our undergraduate studies at the Curbside Annex in Any Town. Al enrolled us in Hell 101 and our school colors were black and blue. I was short by a few days of completing a minor in DUI and almost graduated with a DOA. Although some people never learn from their mistakes, I on the other hand have earned a certifiable education that any liberal college professor could appreciate.
I haven't seen Al for some time now since we went our separate ways. We had an inevitable disagreement over that sobriety thing. We went to church together some but Al got real uncomfortable when he saw that a change was coming and just got up and left. With God’s help I don’t expect to be seen with Al ever again. I don't imagine there's any way for Al K. Hall to get right with God. I still see Al around from time to time in magazines or on television. I know he will most likely be here in Any Town until the judgment day. I know there's a case pending against him. I believe I can testify to that.

*My Life with Alcohol.. 6/22/2005 T. LaVigne

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Classic Deposition

I don’t remember the day or the hour that I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away. I was a young man void of a life at the time. Confused, irresponsible and totally deluded. Growing up with behavioral problems is not something I appreciate talking about but it’s a fact just the same. My parents sent me down the street to the Mennonite Church every Sunday morning which was a blessing to my parents and gave the church folks a reason to rejoice when the service was over. As time passed I found myself in a Pentecostal Church across the alley from the house where we lived in Toledo. I mention all of this because I don’t think I was really paying attention during any phase of these encounters.
When I was 21 I met an old acquaintance from the Miami Children’s Home while I was driving a cab. He invited me to his church and I was driven to go after reading a few Hal Lindsey type books and was becoming scared to death about missing the Rapture. That night I went to The First Apostolic United Pentecostal Church and my world changed forever. I remember the alter call and very little about the actual message but when I left that night everything was different and nothing was the same. I was baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost that next week.
So now let me share the rest of the story; the story seen from the angle of the classic car that you see on the road from time to time. The day I was set apart unto God was the best day of my life. What follows is an allegory of my salvation as it relates to a brand new automobile. My experience with the Lord on the day I was saved was in showroom condition. It looked great; it shined and had that new car smell that was pleasant to breathe. The Lord handed me the keys and gave me the title to an awesome responsibility and to tell the truth I was proud of it in an innocent sort of way. It came with a full tank of gas and an owner’s manual. There were limitations and maintenance requirements and I was given charge of a powerful new vehicle. At first I kept it washed and shined it often. I changed the oil and rotated the tires just like the service agreements specified. I was careful in the traffic and kept my speed to a minimum, well, to some degree. Then time began to have its way and the novelty started to wear thin. After a good season of learning about what was required of me as an owner and manager of such a wonderful gift, I began to get a bit lazy. I didn’t wash it as often and I ran a few stop signs. I got pulled over once or twice for some infraction or a busted tail light. I became lax about taking care of the basic business and soon I began to hear a noise in the transmission. A tire went bad and the dent wasn’t my fault. A car must have backed into me at a shopping mall or a local tavern. It couldn’t have been at church or an auto parts store because I hadn’t parked close to one of those for some time. Little by little and day by day my blessing began to fall apart and I stayed parked for lack fuel and maintenance. It wasn’t long before the bird droppings and the weather laid claim to my existence. I was forced to move on because of personal issues and the last I saw of salvation, it was sitting in the yard, up on blocks and beyond repair. When I left that day I thought I’d never see it again.
As the years passed I walked or hitchhiked everywhere. I went to Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. I drove other people around from time to time in their own car and was an expert on their salvation but didn’t even have the compassion to change a tire for them. I would think about my salvation and cry big tears of sorrow but did little to address the topic until the Lord began to deal with me about returning to the scene of the crime. I said things like; it’s too late but I should go back and scrap it out for parts. Maybe I could sign it over to the devil for 30 pieces of silver and get me a nice bicycle. Praise God, the Lord didn’t see it that way. When I had absolutely nothing left in this world He reminded me that I still had an old clunker sitting in my yard. After convincing me that He would help me restore it to its original condition I was on the road again home.
It was an embarrassing encounter the day I first saw it in this new light and the burden of my heart was that it was raining and I didn’t look any better then the old beater that sat there before me. We both needed washing at the very least. What could possibly be the first move here? I was clueless but the Lord said let’s start by getting the engine running again. That would be the heart of the matter. Many replacement parts were needed and as time passed I still walked to work but the sound of the engine running at last was a pleasant sound in my ears. After a new set of tires and a major clutch and fly wheel overhaul we were close to being at least road worthy. At first I could only drive during the day as I hadn’t dealt with a broken headlight yet and the crack in the windshield was a ticket magnet. As the days passed the responsibility returned and I worked out my own salvation with fear and trembling, like the Bible says. I was soon being seen on the street again behind the wheel of the best thing I ever owned. It didn’t look good on the outside and a trip to the body shop was in the forecast. The engine hummed and the noise in the differential disappeared. I too began to show signs of improvement as I told other owners the truth about WD40 and the GPS. I was looked to as an authority on disrepair and was able to steer a few novice owners away from the ditch ahead. The Lord helped me keep the pride in check as my old clunker turned in to a car show classic. I was this close to joining a Classic Car Club for Jesus group but the Lord said, don’t even go there. I allowed Him to continue the up keep and receive the credit as I had little to do with the restoration of my vintage experience in Christ. These days I get looks when I drive down the street and people make comments but in the end they may never understand this whole story. I saw an old man in a vintage model the other day and his story was that he got it brand new and has owned it and kept it in show room condition since the day he first drove it. I was blessed to know that there are people in this world who have a healthy respect for the gift that God has given them and take care of it with their life. I too now tell my story when I meet the guy who just obtained the title to his new ride and advise him to drive with the utmost consideration for others on the highway and to keep his eye on the fluids. There’s no telling where he will be in 10 years but I pray that he has sense enough to maintain that wonderful blessing called salvation.
One other thing should be mentioned. The Lord held the title during the whole process of preserving and restoring my soul. That probably explains why I couldn’t find the title until I searched the scripture and found it in the top drawer. It was there all the time.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Phil 1:6

….let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;… ( lifted out of Hebrew 12:1-2 )


Count Your Blessings & Thank You