I was interested for a season in the story found in Genesis 6 about how supposedly the fallen angels came down & had sex with women. The women had giant babies that grew up to eventually annoy everyone & create speculation. I would mention right away that I’ve not researched the concept thoroughly but I have read the Forgotten Books of Eden. To be quite truthful I never found them to be anything more than a Pandora’s Box of extra Biblical hunting expeditions that in the end bag nothing but more questions. I found the Book of Enoch to be somewhat feasible; however, what one must ask is how does this relate to everyday living? I mean does knowing such mysteries really help me focus on being a better employee or treating others as I would like to be treated? Not really. Do we really need to look at a subject that many scholars are confused about but yet they effortlessly tinker with theories & manipulate many words while attempting to convince the rest of us that this is a relevant topic? We can't even agree on what is written in the Bible on a good day & in matters that are plain. How much more shall we disagree over things that the Lord has left hidden? Paul knew enough not to utter certain things. Jesus said he had things to say but his disciples were not ready. John was told in the Revelation, not to write some things but what was allowed caused enough of an interpretation faux pas. I will not cast out any brother who is curious about such things; I only dismiss most of the UFO/Angels business as being at best a fairly recent distraction & in the worst case scenario a potential heresy.
I would like to chime in on the topic only because there is now a certified ‘Nephilim Revival’ going on. Formally unknown subjects have taken the stage & of course Jesus Christ must sit this one out as His name is mentioned only briefly & often with little regard. Just for the sake of causing doubt please allow me express a few observations.
The angels in this pre-flood scenario (we must conclude) were all heterosexuals. Fallen angels & cohorts of Lucifer inspire us as humans to commit all kinds of devious sexual sins but somehow are exempt from those practices themselves. No charge of homosexuality, bestiality or pedophilia is hoisted on these fallen creatures. Sex wise they are as pure as the purpose driven snow. There are no female fallen angels mentioned. I mean there is no implication that created man had relations with created female angels & had mean ugly angelic giants as children. That might fly in Chicago but in all honesty, nowhere else. So if we imagine that only one class of angels had such power then one is left with the assumption that a miracle was possible & at the very least an immaculate conception of sorts took place; eternal beings with temporary human beings producing a questionable species. I know some will say that the DNA was different then & well, ‘whatever.’ Is anyone home here? Do these questions not come into play when one looks at this can of giant worms?
To top it all off there are those who actually think that Satan will have an offspring. Can anyone say Incubus? The imagination of fallen man is given to silly notions & I admit there is some demonic activity that certain people go through, dwell on & then write books about. These stories make the rounds in order to cause a sufficient amount of distraction & to maintain a ‘special’ insider curiosity. Occult oriented people thrive on these deceptions & even Christians are beginning to fall into the New Age trap. Anything that is not written in plain English usually instigates an investigative itch among those who can’t get enough of the unknown. If I am pressed further on this I suppose I could join this ‘bore’ hunt but let it be known that I can’t see wasting my time & energy killing another wild pig just for the satisfaction of having it’s head over my mantle. Nevertheless; let the hunt continue.
T. LaVigne
3 years ago
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