In every town there is an eatery of one kind or another. Down the street from a fine restaurant there is a take out joint with the bare minimum in style or class. With fast food we get fast service, paper plates and plastic forks. The drinks are in a fairly clean cooler and all the smells seem to be of the appropriate odor. The proprietor sometimes is seen in a dirty apron, maintains an unshaved face and may scratch himself while expressing his usual welcome. He continues to provide you with the same service that you have come to expect. After all you don’t have the time or the desire to be seen in this particular dive. You pay the man and carry your boxed item to a safe distance to consume your junk cuisine without the benefit of actually tasting it. Before we choke on the subject let’s move up the food chain and go down the street.
At a fine establishment it’s a different meal entirely. You put on a clean shirt and your best behavior before you enter the door. The maitre d’ is dressed in a tuxedo and uses polite terms when asking about a reservation. This venue includes a tablecloth and shining silverware with an assortment of courses and choices. A waiter with a bow tie arrives with a presentation of the various options to put the experience into motion. Some small talk may ensue but it will be cut short with the preliminary drink and salad onsemble prepared by a crack kitchen crew. The music is appropriate, the entrée is awesome and the company is pleasant. How about a nice little slice of perspective for dessert?
If you were invited to participate in entertaining the Lord for the evening and it was up to you to lay out the sequence of events, the table and the ambiance; just what kind of an experience would it be for you and the Lord? In the first scenario I would very much just like to get it over with; you know, with the ritual and the basic expectation and all. I mean the food is hot, fast and comes in an attractive cardboard box and you assume the Lord prefers fast service. In by 10am and out by 11:15. Classic rock hymns, a no frills message, no bible and a really short prayer. Appearance is optional and you don’t have to deal with the clientele until next Sunday. The convenience of clever movie clip theology and a list of condiments projected on the wall works for everybody.
Now the fancy bistro is a different story. You greet the Lord at the beginning of the day and offer to accompany Him to His table which consists of your whole life spread out before Him. You have taken your personal appearance seriously and pay no attention to the time it takes to serve Him. As you minister to His need it may require that you see to the cleanness of your own surroundings. Working out your own salvation does employ sorting through your priorities before presenting the menu to the Lord. As a waiter, seeing to His refreshment should be a constant presence of mind. Common courtesy to others and a pleasant attitude in worship while in His service is the essence of the atmosphere. As for you as a waiter; your gratuities run over and He has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Try to digest this slowly; it’s more about being of service than being served and more about serving Him as opposed to just attending a service. Who knows? The bow tie might be a nice change.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually. Hosea 12:6
T. LaVigne
3 years ago
You know Timothy, if I had the chance i would want to make a homemade meal and some deserts (I would have to find out what his favorite food/wine is) grab my best blanket and walk with Jesus down to the river and have a great picnic lunch...I would bring along some musician friends for fun and of course worship while we watch the ducks go by!!! Im a pretty simple person,I would not feel at ease in a fancy place I think.I grew with wealth but now Ive learned to live with much less and its Ok to smell the roses...