Several years ago I read a book entitled the Art of Being. I don’t recall the author and I can’t say that I recommend it but I found it in the bargain bin. I quickly concluded that it in part it had to do with being in the right place at the right time. After reading the book I came up with an observation as follows. I’ve learned to call it an observation while among certain believers so at to not let imagination get the best of an obvious lesson. I wonder how long Jeremiah sat at the potter’s house watching the potter before the pieces came together. Chapter 18:2 says that there, observing, the Lord would cause Jeremiah to hear His words. I was quiet before the Lord the day I wrote these things in my journal.
When I began my journey with Christ I was given a sheet of paper at the start of the class and given the task of writing my life story. I wasted some time as I looked out the window in wonder. While others got busy with their assignment I looked into the school yard with playtime on my mind. I drooled and scribbled on my work folding it, smudging it and got it wet in a lunchroom staining incident. It became dog eared, crumpled erased and quite undone. Are you sensing my ADD testimony evolving? When it came time to turn it in a creative streak began to appear as I came up with some of my best excuses. When asked to read it to the class I was embarrassed and asked to be excused. Show and Tell didn’t go well that day and now I must reckon with God Almighty. As I stand before Him on that awesome day I will hide my homework behind my back and say that the devil, being the dog he is, ate it. I was assuming I’d do well on the finals as I recalled cheating on several tests before and relied on crib notes in the past. I failed on most all the domestic and social issues and even my understanding of geography is all over the grid. I know I’m not where I should be in the Lord, but I’m not where I was. On the oral portion of the exam I suppose I’ll have some brief statements like; I know in whom I have believed and forgive me Lord I’m a sinner. My personal non-favorite response would be; I wasn’t paying that close attention and I’m just plain guilty!
The art of being spontaneous in a moment like that will produce an honest exhibition and a blue ribbon is not necessarily in the outcome. The wood, hay and stubble of this may be all that remains for some of us in a similar scenario. To make it through those final exams and go to graduate into eternity is the goal of any disciple who studies to show himself approved unto God. To rightly divide the word a student must give his undivided attention to getting right with and staying current with God. Any comparison to any person living or dead is strictly likely so let’s not fool our selves. Because of the cross we are handed the diploma in the end and then only if we endure to the end. I was always watching the clock in school and now at last it is late and the bell is about to ring.
Be blessed. Class dismissed. Timothy LaVigne
3 years ago