I heard the message several times about casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. I did an inventory of a few of the “things” that need attention in my life. There have been many distractions that fit into that very category and if you would indulge me I will attempt to elaborate with an imagination of my own that needs sorting out. In Revelation 20:12 there is a line I will pull from the verse to make my observation. And the books were opened. This is of course is a very serious verse and I hope not to take away from the full context but only to support some concerns about which books of record may be in question. Please allow me to run by you the list that applies to me when I stand before the Lord in my final court appearance.
1. The Bible.. How often did I read it, rightly divide it, practice and live like I believed the truth contained in that book? How often did I misinterpret or neglect to apply even the basic principles in my everyday life?
2. My prayer book.. How much time did I spend in effectual and fervent petition before the Lord? What types of request did I make and for what reason? How long did I wait quietly listening for an answer?
3. My journal.. What did I have to say that was so important and why did I think that such things were noteworthy? Would I mind having the whole world know my deepest anger, frustrations, curiosities and the substance of my vain imaginative faculty?
4. My appointment book.. Who were the people I met and where were did I go? When that schedule is opened before God, will I be embarrassed by the manipulation of events?
5. My check book.. What would this line of inquiry produce? I may be pleased with my 10% but would I be counted responsible when the other 90% was examined. The problem is not giving money. In the end faithful attention to stewardship will survive the fire.
6. My date book.. Like the appointments above this book differs in that it applies to the spare time industry. What kind of people did I enjoy being around? Perhaps, like in my case certain musicians and writers apply. Others lean to the sports oriented crowd or maybe you’re a bingo monger. I won’t play the bingo card here but what about your social life outside of the gospel? I don’t imagine there is anything on the outside of the gospel.
7. The TV Guide.. Just what are in those entertainment files? How dedicated were you?
8. The Song Book.. . .to him that hath, more shall be given.. That involves ears. If you are getting mixed signals you’ll develop a variety of opinions that will impair your ability to believe the truth when uncertain sounds are present. What was your favorite tune? One of my favorites is, was and will be Psalm 91.
9. My phone book.. Who did I talk to? What did I talk about? How long did I indulge my-self in meaningless conversations, holding up the progress of the poor sap on the other end with my foolish notions, weather reports and ball scores? While neglecting, I might add, Jesus on the mainline now.
10. Last of all let me mention the devotional. That would be My Daily Bread or a similar five minute spiritual fix for the day. It’s like the patch for those who are attempting to solidify that already waning lukewarm walk with God. You know, for those who are close to being totally free of the addiction to Christ. There’s nothing wrong with a few minutes with Jesus, it’s just that they may potentially become fewer & fewer. One can’t afford to spend less time with the Lord these days
Allow me to close with the final words of the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon nailed it in these closings lines. Chapter 12 and verse 12 begins the conclusion of the whole matter by saying that the making of many books there is no end; and much study is weariness to the flesh. In the end the Lord will bring every work into judgment, along with every secret thing; whether it be good, or evil. Since we must all give account of the things that we now give our attention to, may we be found examining ourselves from the books that are at our disposal in this lifetime. Many of us will not be at this last judgment which I draw attention to here but we will be examined just the same at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Rev 20:12
Have you read a good book lately?
Blessings, T. LaVigne
3 years ago